How to Join
Joining is easy and you’ll love the savings! To begin, you must open a savings account with a $5 deposit. That’s it. You’re a member. You can begin using our banking services.
Why do you use the word join or member? Is this some kind of club?
While not a club, a credit union is a financial cooperative for people who want better banking at a better price. Instead of being a customer, when you open an account at AAC Credit Union you become a member and part owner. We provide all of the same services as a bank, like savings, checking, loans, mortgages and online services – we just do it at a lower cost to you.
To open an account:
- Apply online
- Email request for application
- Call 800-858-1633
- Visit a branch near you
(Valid ID with current address required to open an account. Social security number required.)
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